Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Former Government Palace

Find this museum at downtown, just behind the Cathedral, on Mariscal street.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Juarez Cathedral

Juarez Cathedral, on downtown.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Mata Ortiz Pottery

Mata Ortiz, a little town in Chihuahua, Mexico; near the ancient ruins of Paquime, is home town of one of the best pottery in the world.
The work done by its artists is of superor quality.

One of them is Diego Valles. Diego has won contests for his special technique, which is based on great variety of sizes and shapes, as well as the traditional Paquime style of Mata Ortiz. He considers his ceramics like innovator since it combines different techniques like esgrafiado and burnishing in the same piece.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Juarez Pyramid

A model of the Chichen Itzá pyramid in Yucatan, Mexico; this pyramid is a few yards from the International Bridge (El Paso, Texas-Juárez).
Great place to visit. It´s part of the Chamizal National Park.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Police Department 1940's

My great-unlce in the 40's, chief of the Juarez Police Department.
He's the one at the center of the motorcycle parade, with the Mexico flag.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Fruit of the Earth

On my trip to the great state of Chihuahua, Mexico, I found myself with a view not many in a big city see... God's word on action: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground", Genesis 3:19 (King James version)

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Back from my Trip

Hello World.
I was on vacations with my family. I couldn't refresh this blog 'til today.
I'm going to show a couple of pictures, not from Juarez, but from the state Juarez belongs, Chihuahua. Our state have a good deal of the Sierra Madre, a chain of mountains that go from southern USA down several states into Mexico.
This is the great Cusarare waterfall. Cusarare means Place of Eagles or Where Eagles Fly, in the ancient raramuri language. The raramuris are one of the native groups of the Chihuahuan mountains.
The rainings in the last months have loaded this great waterfall with more water than it was in the past several years. It is now showing a good looking fall.

At the watefall pit, you can sense the breeze in your body. You can rejuvenate in their mists. Years before, you can even wash at the foot of the waterfall... no more. The strenght of the water falling can kill you. But the breeze is there for you... and expect a good wash!
More to come from my trip thru the greatest state of Mexico... Chihuahua.